About Us

After conducting coaching sessions with several individuals, two professionals recognized a great need for a consulting service that would provide extensive support to job seekers. It is without question that the current climate has made job seeking very competitive, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to attain a job.

Boost Your Interview (B.Y.I.) Consulting provides consulting services globally and allows you to work from the comfort of your home. With a scheduling system that is easy to navigate, we can provide our consultation services via Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet.

Are you tired of endless interviews without any luck in landing the job or promotion you seek? Are you wondering what you could be doing wrong? Are you surprised when you get rejected when you were certain the interview went well? Are you applying for a job, but feel that you are underqualified?

Seek our expertise in revamping and boosting your chances for interview success!

Nursing Students and New Graduates

Are you a nursing student, or did you recently graduate? Have you been working as a frontline nurse but are now interested in acquiring a leadership role? Are you finding it difficult to cope as a new nurse? Do you want to discover if the unit you are currently working on is the best fit for you? Do you need guidance with your university application?

Winnie will provide support, guidance, and share some tips on how to stay afloat amidst the pandemic.

Meet Our Consultants

“We set you up for success…”

Our consultants, experts and formal leaders within their employment sectors, come with first-hand experience in managing teams and hiring personnel. They work very closely with talent acquisition teams to fill job vacancies, so they have expert knowledge on the process.

We have experience in working with the baby-boomer generation all the way to Generation Z cohorts as we understand the diversity of our fluid employment environment. Our coaching sessions are individualized to appeal to every demographic.

Lorraine Katiriri, PMP, LSSBB

With over ten years of work experience, Lorraine is currently employed in the corporate sector with expert experience in Retail Management which entails retail, supply chain, planning, and buying.

Winnie Shereni, RN, BScN, MN, MBA (c)

With over 15 years of experience in multiple dynamic job sectors, acquiring leadership positions has allowed Winnie to interview hundreds of candidates seeking employment.

Our Packages


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